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Adolfo Mesias, Protector of Monkey Forest In this video, Adolfo Mesias, protector of Monkey Forest, shares his experience. Spanish and English translations below. This video was graciously shared with us from our partners at Neotropical Primate Conservation. [English] From Adolfo Mesias, the protector of Monkey Forest: “For us as a population center…they are seeing logging at 80%, hunting at almost … Continue reading Adolfo Mesias, Protector of Monkey Forest

Building capacity and collecting baseline data

In 2023-24, a key focus was on building the capacity of members of the Naga Conservation Association (N-Ca) through workshops and training sessions on wetland ecology, management techniques, and the importance of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) principles. This investment in human capital equipped N-Ca with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively lead conservation … Continue reading Building capacity and collecting baseline data

The Power of Conservation: Insights and Action from Our Communities Thank you to everyone who attended our end-of-year webinar on December 5th! Whether you were able to join us or not, you can watch the replay on our YouTube channel. It would also mean a lot to us if you would please: ✅ Subscribe to our channel✅ Give our videos a thumbs up✅ Comment on our … Continue reading The Power of Conservation: Insights and Action from Our Communities

Saving Black Spider Monkeys: How  Community-Based Conservation in Colombia is Helping Them

Black spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus), also known as Guiana spider monkey or red-faced black spider monkey, are found in the tropical rainforests of Colombia. They are one of the rarest primate species in the world, and unfortunately, there is not a lot known about them. They are listed as vulnerable by the International Union for … Continue reading Saving Black Spider Monkeys: How  Community-Based Conservation in Colombia is Helping Them